Date of birth: 09/07/1982
PACS, 3 kids.
2018: Habilitation to supervise research HDR, highest French diploma - University of Lorraine.
2006 - 2009: PhD in Physics - Université de Rennes 1 - Institut de Physique de Rennes - CNRS UMR 6251. "Etude de l’organisation des réarrangements d’un milieu granulaire sous sollicitations mécaniques". Defended in November 2009.
2005 - 2006: Master's degree in Physics - Université de Rennes 1 / Magisterium in fundamental physics - Université Paris XI Orsay. Specialization in surfaces and interfaces.
2004 - 2005: Aggregation of physics.
2002 - 2004: License's degree - Magisterium in fundamental physics - Université Paris XI Orsay.
2021 - 2026: Junior IUF member, Chair of Innovation (Institut Universitaire de France).
2018 - present: Associate professor. LEMTA - University of Lorraine - CNRS UMR 7563.
2009 - 2018: Assistant professor. LEMTA - University of Lorraine - CNRS UMR 7563.
2024 - 2027: Involved in the national research project "PINNterfaces" funded by the french national research agency (ANR). 325 k€.
2020 - 2023: Coordinator of the International research project "Pastflow" co-funded by the french national research agency (ANR) and the german research foundation (DFG). 360 k€.
2020 - 2024: Involved in the national research project "Palagram" funded by the french national research agency (ANR). 648 k€.
2017 - 2021: Coordinator of the European Interreg VA "PowderReg" project involving 5 universities of the Great Region in order to study the "transport, storage and forming of industrially relevant powders". 6 M€.
2015 - 2017: Coordinator of the regional project "Rheology of granular pastes: application to fiber suspensions". 46 k€.
Academic collaborations
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Professor Sergiy Antonyuk.
University of Saarland, Germany. Professor Christian Wagner.
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Professor Bernhard Peters.
University of Liège, Belgium. Professor Nicolas Vandewalle.
University of Rennes, IPR. Professor Renaud Delannay.
University of Bordeaux, LOF. CNRS Research Director Guillaume Ovarlez.
University of Grenoble, LEGI. CNRS Researcher Marie Rastello.
University of Grenoble, INP. Researcher Florence Naaim.
University of Toulouse, IMFT. CNRS Researcher Matthieu Mercier.
IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), France.
Industrial collaborations
Granutools (Belgium).
CEA (Marcoule, France).
Solvay (Bordeaux, France).
Saint-Gobain (Paris, France).
Seqens Group, Novacarb (Nancy, France).
Local responsabilities
2021: Internal expertise of Habilitation to supervise research (HDR) for University of Lorraine.
2019 - present: Member of the scientific council of the LEMTA laboratory.
2019: Participation to the working groups "public contracts" and "european projects" organized by University of Lorraine.
2018 - present: Member of the sector council PGCM "physics, geoscience, chemistry and mechanics" at the Faculty of Science (University of Lorraine).
2013 and 2016: Member of selection board for the recruitment of two assistant professors (CNU section 60).
2013 - 2017: LEMTA laboratory board member.
2010 - present: Member of the admission committee of the master "Energies" (University of Lorraine).
2009 - present: Member of the board of the physics department of the Faculty of Science (University of Lorraine).
National responsabilities
2024: Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the "Dispersed Two-Phase Flows (5th edition)".
2024: Member of the scientific committee of the STP 2024.
2021: Member of the scientific committee of the GFR 2021.
2009 - present: Member of the french group of rheology GFR.
International responsabilities
2021 - present: Expert evaluator for the European Commission.
2021 - present: Expert evaluator for the Leverhulme Trust (
2021: Scientific expert for the ANR generic call 2021.
2018 - present: Member of PhD advisory committees in France (3 defenses) and abroad (Germany).
2017 - present: Member of the international COST "Flowing Matter", Action MP 1305.
2009 - present: Reviewer for many international scientific journals (Powder Technology, Advanced Powder Technology, Phys.Rev.E, Rheological Acta, Europhysics Letters, Chemical Engineering Science ...).
Full papers in international peer-reviewed journals: 37.
Communications in international* and national** conferences: 51* and 4**.
Invited seminar: 7.
Invited member of the recruitment jury for a lecturer position juries: 3.
IPR - Rennes physics institute (2023)
LEMTA (2012, 2016)
Invited member of thesis juries: 6.
Chloé Garat (2022) - examiner (LOF / Solvay, University of Bordeaux, France)
Salvatore Pillitteri (2021) - international member (GRASP laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium)
Adrien Gans (2021) - rapporteur (IUSTI, University of Aix-Marseille, France)
Noémie Dagès (2021) - rapporteur (Physics Laboratory of the ENS Lyon, France)
Shirin Enferad (2020) - examiner (LEMTA, University of Lorraine, France)
Riccardo Maione (2017) - examiner (LRGP, University of Lorraine, France)
Invited member of HDR juries: 1.
Olivier Botella (2020) - examiner (LEMTA, University of Lorraine, France)
Total number of citations (December 2024): 675.
h index (December 2024): 15.
See here the details of my publications.
3 Postdoc Researchers
2020 - 2021: Enzo D’Ambrioso-Azzara, "Flow and rheology of cohesive powders".
2020 - 2021: Arthur Pascot, "DEM simulations of silo discharge".
2018 - 2019: Caroline Chalak, "Rheology of dense suspensions on an inclined plane".
8 PhD students
2024 - present: Thibus Metoli, "Rheology of cohesive model powders".
2022 - present: David Luce, "Control of the flowability of cohesive powders: from particles to end-use properties".
2020 - 2023: Ghita Marouazi, "Spreading of granular paste under vibrations".
2020 - 2023: Mickaël Delcey, "Deep-learning applied to gravity current". Thesis Prize PhD-Entrepreneur U. of Lorraine
2020 - 2023: Jean Schneider, "Particle-laden gravitation flows".
2017 - 2020: Arthur Pascot, "Rheology and properties of silo discharge of granular media: application to hopper flow".
2015 - 2018: Naïma Gaudel, "Rheology and flow control of granular dispersions by applying vibrations". Thesis Prize AFFDU
2011 - 2014: Caroline Hanotin, "Rheology of vibrated granular media". Thesis Prize GFR
Participation in thesis supervision: Shirin Enferad (2017 - 2020), Olga Chernoburova (2015 - 2018), Riccardo Maione (2014 - 2017).
14 Master internships
2022: David Luce (University of Lorraine), "Silo discharge of cohesive media".
2020: Kamal Ennass (ENSEM Nancy), "DEM simulations of granular spreading".
2020: Ghita Marouazi (University of Lorraine), "Influence of cohesion on silo discharge".
2020: Jean Schneider (University of Lorraine), "Particle-laden gravitational flows".
2019: Jimmy Schupp (University of Lorraine), "Effect of vibrations on hopper discharge".
2019: Syed Mosawi (RMIT University, Australia), "Rheology of colloidal suspensions".
2019: Syrim Umbetov (University of Lorraine), "Influence of humidity on powder rheology".
2019: Houssine Benbadelhalim (University of Lorraine), "Spreading and rheology of plaster pastes".
2017: Jinoy Tharu (ENSEM Nancy), "Experimental study of granular flows on inclined planes".
2015: Naïma Gaudel (University of Lorraine), "Flow of granular dispersions under vibrations".
2013: Jeremy Haag (University of Lorraine), "DEM simulations of vibrated granular media".
2011: Caroline Hanotin (ENSE Grenoble), "Flow of vibrated granular media".
2010: Lionel Perrin (University of Lorraine), "DWS characterization of vibrated granular suspensions".
2010: Quentin Ribeyre (University of Lorraine), "Modeling of vibrated granular suspensions".
Lecturer at the Faculty of Science (Nancy, France) principally in fluid mechanics.
See here the details of my teaching activities.